Tuesday 18 September 2007

Day 9

Oh my god, we've moved in with the bald bloke! I will have to chew the gussets out of all his underpants and hide his socks. My human says its only for a few days but Nanny Harding is ecstatic about it so Im not so sure...

Monday 17 September 2007

Days 5,6,7, and 8!

I have been having to jump on Blob's head since being incacerated at Nanny Biggles on Friday! I am pretty sure she was pleased to see the back of me and I must admit it's great to get away sometimes but it's even better to get back home and sniff out my usual top spots - you know how it is. I was pretty pleased to see my human again even though she did have the bald bloke with her, he talks to me like I'm an idiot so I just have to humour him.

Thursday 13 September 2007

Day 4

I go to work with my human on Thursdays, its a very long day for us and I don't understand what it is she is doing there! Whatever, it pays for all the treats so I'm happy :-) I had a walk down the seafront in Brighton and saw a one of my young pals there and gave him the run around even though I've got years on him. Shattered now, so having a good stretch on the sofa. I'm being farmed out this weekend because she's going to a festival and dogs aren't welcome:-( Never mind Nanny Biggle and Blob are nice so I will have a chilled weekend with them.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Day 3

What a fantastic start to the day - my human seemed very energetic when we went out as she was running round the park! Later she came back home with big boxes and then there was a whole afternoon where I didnt understand what she was doing - but she still fed me and took me out so Im not worried. I so want to sink my teeth into all that cardboard and show it whose boss but I think she might not like it. Cant say I wont do it when shes out though.......

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Day 2

I am wasted. Ran into a load of my pals in Hove Park this morning it was mad. One of the two leggers got knocked over and theyre not very agile so they couldnt get up. At lunchtime I came accross a dead badger, i thought it smelt great but my owner wasnt that keen on me making friends with it. Just got back from a night out round at Saffy's, a golden retriever who keeps trying to get the better of me and now my lovely fur is like a packet of golden wonder - yuk! I'm off to bed as I need my beauty sleep, I keep trying to get my owner to do the same god knows she could do with it! Lulu

Monday 10 September 2007

Day 1

I am Lulu the dog. This is my life. Today I had to wait for ages before my owner took me for a walk because she was in bed with Neil again! The only good thing was that because they've got the day off they eat loads of food and I got a fried sausage all to myself plus I got given a yoghurt carton to desimate. Had a big dump in the park and found a couple of other dogs to race round with before being tied up outside the bakers, again! Now they are doing something really weird. For some reason they are scraping at the walls. I just cant be bothered so I'm watching This Morning, it's a load of crap but it passes the time until my next walk I guess you want to see a picture of me. I am having a bad hair day but if my owner gets it together I can look really stunning.