Tuesday 18 September 2007

Day 9

Oh my god, we've moved in with the bald bloke! I will have to chew the gussets out of all his underpants and hide his socks. My human says its only for a few days but Nanny Harding is ecstatic about it so Im not so sure...


Doddy said...

Lulu - you're looking good in your red fleece. Sorry Freddy trashed you on friday, I thought they were friends - P

Doddy said...

Lulu - you're looking good in your red fleece. Sorry Freddy trashed you on friday, I thought they were friends - P

woolfy said...

Next time we go for a walk we'll leave the old two legged ones behing
Hannah Woolf

Lulu said...

Hi Doddy,
Freddy never trashed me I was just looking like I was getting trashed as I didn't want to crack his fragile ego. You may not know this but I'm doing an OU course whilst my 2 legger is out and its on dog psychology - I think I can help him.

Lulu said...

Hi Woolfy,
You can bring the kid again she was good fun but you better give me some of your bacon next time.