Wednesday 10 October 2007

Tuesday 10th October

Just got out of the bath, I thought she was gonna drown me, now I stink the same as her - yuk! Had a great walk today. There was three 2 leggers, me and Freddie. He's coming on quite nicely now with his training. I was teaching him how to track and chase pheasants. The 2 leggers seemed to enjoy it too - what a commotion they made. Jumping up and down, barking their heads off. Actually it was quite embarrasing and they bloody well scared my pheasant away. I must say I was a bit worried the pheasant was gonna get run over at one point, stupid things,no road sense...

1 comment:

Neil Harding said...

errr... it was Wednesday on the 10th. You silly shampoo-per! x