Monday 10 September 2007

Day 1

I am Lulu the dog. This is my life. Today I had to wait for ages before my owner took me for a walk because she was in bed with Neil again! The only good thing was that because they've got the day off they eat loads of food and I got a fried sausage all to myself plus I got given a yoghurt carton to desimate. Had a big dump in the park and found a couple of other dogs to race round with before being tied up outside the bakers, again! Now they are doing something really weird. For some reason they are scraping at the walls. I just cant be bothered so I'm watching This Morning, it's a load of crap but it passes the time until my next walk I guess you want to see a picture of me. I am having a bad hair day but if my owner gets it together I can look really stunning.


Neil Harding said...

Hello Lulu, found you on google, my ickle friend!


Lulu said...

Hi Neil,
not so much of the ickle baldy!